
w Twój Biznes

Zaprojektuję Twoją przestrzeń w sieci.

Napisz do mnie
//O mnie

Nazywam się Agata Szargot i jestem product designerem.

Od ponad 13 lat dbam o wizerunek klientów indywidualnych oraz firm, ich serwisów internetowych i oprawę graficzną.
W czym mogę Ci dzisiaj pomóc?

Lat w branży
Zębów zjedzonych na designie
//Co robię

Szkolenia, product design, identyfikacje,
i materiały graficzne.
Sprawiam, że Twój Biznes wwwygląda.

//Przykładowe PROJEkty

Sprawdź, jak możemy działać razem


Nic nie cieszy tak, jak zadowolny klient.

It was such a pleasure to work with her, she understood everything we were trying to accomplish and took it to the next level. She is highly skilled at what she does and thinks outside the box to provide excellent well thought out work.

Darrell Steward
Founder of Implora

It was such a pleasure to work with her, she understood everything we were trying to accomplish and took it to the next level. She is highly skilled at what she does and thinks outside the box to provide excellent well thought out work.

Steven Steward
Founder of Implora

It was such a pleasure to work with her, she understood everything we were trying to accomplish and took it to the next level. She is highly skilled at what she does and thinks outside the box to provide excellent well thought out work.

Darrell Steward
Founder of Implora

It was such a pleasure to work with her, she understood everything we were trying to accomplish and took it to the next level. She is highly skilled at what she does and thinks outside the box to provide excellent well thought out work.

Steven Steward
Founder of Implora



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